Friday, May 11, 2012

Queens College

            On Thursday, May 10th 2012, Our Rensizzle group were supposed to visit St. John’s University but that didn’t go as planned. We made a few changes and decided to visit Queens College in Flushing, NY. To travel to Queens College we took the 7 train to flushing and caught the Q25 bus. The ride to the Queens College was pretty short and easy going. When we arrived at the school we were given a map of the campus which helped up on our self guided tour. At the school we first stumbled upon Jefferson Port, where we saw the Queens College alumni whom also happened to include Fran Dresher, Ray Romano and Jerry Seinfeld, all who are very successful actors today. We visited the incredible library that Queens College has to offer. The library had approximately 6 floors and each floor had its own theme, such as Art, History, Science and more. The library also had a rooftop which was available for people to study on. The school also had a science building and a display of different sorts of rocks you can find In Connecticut, New York and New Jersey and also showed us a huge map of Long Island. After we left the science building we checked out the cafeteria. The cafeteria like most had a place where you can purchase your food and an enormous amount of space for students to socialize. While attending this college I learned that you have to have a grade point average of about a 2.9 which is just about where I am right now. There are also different majors you can study at Queens College. I like that this school was also diverse and everyone could fit in there. I would apply to this school because I feel that it has a beautiful campus and it has a lot to offer.

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